Inspired By Women held a luncheon this week with honoured guest speaker Annabelle Daniel OAM, CEO of Women’s Community Shelters. They will be working with and helping Women’s Community Shelters on an ongoing basis as we build and provide short term emergency housing & support for women and children in abusive relationships seeking temporary shelter.
“Adriana Cecere and I are looking forward to building our Business Partners Program with you all, and working together with people who are aligned with our goals and vision for the future. We are very excited and grateful to have the opportunity to build this partnership with you, and help women and children who will benefit from our work. We look forward to our amazing journey together and hope to inspire others on the way” : Marie Vlahos
Inspired by Women provides opportunity for women to expand their knowledge and become financially capable, independent and inspired to achieve their goals through the support and guidance of others. Join Inspired by Women today
Adriana Cecere and Marie Vlahos; Inspired by Women