Study confirms intimate partner violence leading health risk to women
A study being launched today by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety confirms the serious impacts of intimate partner violence. The analysis, undertaken by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, provides estimates of the impact of...WCS Christmas Giving Appeal
Donate a charity gift this holiday season and help a woman and child in crisis.
Community Forum held in Orange to open a new refuge for homeless women
Community Forum held in Orange to discuss opening a new women’s refuge
More funding is needed for our Great Lakes Shelter to continue their amazing work
NBN news talks to our Great Lakes shelter and past residents
Annabelle Daniel On Kindness
Our CEO Annabelle Daniel talks to Lucie magazine about Womens Community Shelters
Giving Feedback to The Funding Network
A little over a year ago, we pitched for help at The Funding Network Australia to start a new shelter in Forster Tuncurry. There was a known local need. It’s wonderful to go back to our donors and funders a year later and say – we’ve delivered. Click...NSW Government to help DV survivors to rebuild their lives.
Wonderful Initiative! “The NSW Government will launch fee-free vocational training scholarships for survivors of domestic violence in July” Read more here: NSW Government to help DV Survivors rebuild their livesOur amazing School Liaison Officer raises awareness within the community…
Dot Bab is the School Liaison Officer for the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s shelter does an amazing job raising awareness in the community. Here she is addressing the Social Justice Forum.Economic abuse an unseen form of domestic abuse…
Economic abuse is an unseen aspect of domestic abuse but just as damaging