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Hills Community Forum

Well over 100 people attended the Community Forum in the Hills to discuss the establishment of a new shelter and services. A fantastic response, and I can’t wait to work with the community to get this going! Read the article here.


With funding from a NSW Domestic and Family Violence Grant, OWN NSW has conducted a mapping exercise of our knowledge of violence against older women and document examples of good practice to prevent the violence, titled “The Disappearing Age”. Read article...

Cardboard Stories

This fantastic video from Canada does some myth busting about people who are homeless. Many have led successful, normal, conventional lives for many years until a crisis such a relationship breakdown, ill health or domestic violence. Read full article...

The Invisibles

Older single women can be incredibly vulnerable if they don’t own their own home or have strong social supports. We are seeing women through our shelters who have led conventional lives, worked hard, and done as much as they can to support their own security,...
Women's Community Shelters