The blind spot in our domestic violence crisis
Read our CEO, Annabelle Daniel’s recent article in Rendez View
Our CEO, Annabelle Daniel, talks to Fran Kelly on ABC Radio National Breakfast
Listen to our CEO, Annabelle Daniel, talk to Fran Kelly about the link between DV and homelessness
The Sanctuary receives support from the Hills community to raise funds for white goods
The amazing community of the Hills District donate funds to provide white goods for the Sanctuary, The Hill’s Women’s Shelter Click here to Read more :Kids volunteering for homeless children
These wonderful kids volunteered the last day of their school holidays to pack backpacks for the homeless children staying at our Great Lakes Shelter. Many thanks to Kids Giving Back from organising these volunteers and to #mumsgrouptogether for organising the...Congratulations to Julie Brady!
Congratulations! Julie Brady, Chair of newly-opened Great Lakes Women’s Shelter, was awarded Citizen of the Year by Great Lakes Council Mayor Jan McWilliam today. Jools has given hours and hours of her time and expertise in a volunteer capacity setting up GLWS,...Rosie Batty with WCS Board Member Christine Parker and our CEO Annabelle Daniel
Rosie Batty with WCS Board Member Christine Parker and our CEO Annabelle Daniel
When there’s no room at the inn for victims of Domestic Violence
When there is no room at the inn for victims of Domestic Violence